Kabwata Police Station received a report on February 24, 2024 at 18:30hrs concerning an alleged incident of unnatural offences (sodomy) at Burma barracks Mess in Lusaka. The report was filed by Mr. Quarters Fumpa of an unknown house number in Kamwala, 

According to the complainant, Mr. Quarters Fumpa went to Burma barracks  Mess to meet a barman. Subsequently, upon entering the toilet facilities, he observed two male individuals engaging in unlawful carnal knowledge against the order of nature. The incident took place on February 24, 2024 at approximately 16:30hrs.

The sequence of events unfolded when Mr. Quarters Fumpa, curious about the activities in the toilet, climbed on top to investigate further. Shockingly, he witnessed the two males involved in unnatural acts. Mr. Fumpa promptly informed the barman, and together they returned to the scene, forcibly opening the door to the toilet.

The suspects were identified as Mr. Mathews Kabwe aged 20 , of an unknown house in Matero, and Mr. Chisenga Chanda aged 22 , also residing in an unknown house in Matero. The barman and Mr. Fumpa detained the two accused individuals until the arrival of a Zambia Army sentry Lungu Emmanuel, aged 42, who was on duty as a sentry. Emmanuel apprehended the suspects and the matter was later reported to the police.

Upon receiving the report, Kabwata Police Station opened a docket for the case and issued Medical Report Forms to both suspects. The individuals were promptly taken to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) for medical examination, where it was confirmed by the attending doctor that the duo had engaged in unnatural acts.

Both suspects Mr. Mathews Kabwe and Mr. Chisenga Chanda are third year medical students at a named university, have been formally arrested and detained in police custody for the alleged offense of unnatural offence. They will appear in court in the near future. 

Rae Hamoonga


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