Speaker riles MP for insisting on physical attendance as Covid-19 ravages

Some Members of Parliament are unhappy with the decision by Speaker of the National Assembly Nellie Mutti to insist that they all attend parliamentary sessions physically.

The last few weeks has seen a spike in the number of MPs and staff at Parliament testing positive to Covid-19.

In a circular issued on Monday, Mrs Mutti insisted that all MPs should enter parliamentary grounds and attend the sessions from either the Chamber or in Committee Rooms.

The decision has upset some MPS who feel her ruling goes against the health protocols in light of Covid-19.

So far a number of MPs and staff at the National Assembly have tested positive to Covid-19.

Some MPs interviewed feel the cases have started going up again because many of them have just returned from several international and local trips.

“ What is happening is that there is a major outbreak of Covid-19 at Parliament. Most of our colleagues are down as we speak. Many staff members are also seek but we are surprised that the Speaker choose to expose us to this disease by insisting that we business all the time,” one of the MP revealed.

Others wondered why the Speaker is changing what has worked well so far when the House has used a hybrid system with both physical and virtual sittings.

“We would like her to keep the things the way they have been. We don’t want to be exposed to Covid-19 and then we end up exposing our families,” she said.

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