My Phones have been seized since Monday. Efforts to get them back has not been successful! 😔 

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote;

Good day. I'm trying to reclaim my Facebook Page.

This is what led to the seizure of my phones by officers from the State.

I received a distress call after midnight.

The call was both distressing, concerning but also elating.

Abducted Petauke Central Member of Parliament, Hon. Emmanuel JayJay Banda was discovered at some house on the road to Kafue Boys Secondary School.

Circumstances of his abduction and discovery remained murky.

I was informed that Hon. Banda was being rushed to Kafue General Hospital.

As I was preparing to rush to Kafue, I was informed that he may be evacuated to Maina Soko or University Teaching Hospital and it was best to wait in Lusaka.

In the dead of the night, people switch off phones or remain unavailable.

I guess because it's time to sleep and rest.

Only Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, Hon. Brian Mundubile was awake and now coordinating the efforts for us to see JayJay.

We soon met at the University Teaching Hospital.

A high-level security team led by Lusaka Police Commissioner,  Creto Kaanza, had already mobilised to probably secure the most prized state asset that night.

Fear, political tensions and deep worry for the life and safety of JayJay Banda had engulfed the country.

Therefore, this came as good news that could bring partial relief to the country.

We began to learn of differences. The family members that had joined JayJay in Kafue were unwilling to get him to a government hospital.

We learnt that an altercation had ensued at Kafue General Hospital after medical staff conducted initial test and treatment.

While the Police wanted to put JayJay in an ambulance and drive him to Lusaka, the family refused and put him in their vehicle where they improvised a medical ved with mattresses and began to drive him to Lusaka in hot pursuit by the Police.

This chase was so intense that one vehicle of the family members was bumped off the road and overturned.

A new crisis ensued to ensure that those involved in this accident were safe and uninjured.

While we waited around 03;00hrs at the University Teaching Hospital, we just saw the Police Commissioner and his team jump in their Toyota Landcruisers and sped off.

While we were wondering what it was, a family members called us that they had arrived at Medlands Hospital and JayJay was being examined in the Emergency Bay treatment room.

When we arrived at the Hospital,there was commotion with a larger contingent of Police officers cordoning off the entire Hospital, restricting entry and securing the area.

With the family, we found Nkana Indendepent MP, Hon. Binwell Mpundu and Lumezi Independent MP, Hon. Munir Zulu were at the hospital.

The fight from Kafue General Hospital continued with the Police Commissioner and his team insisting that the patient must be evacuated to a government facility despite the strong protestation from the family members.

Medlands medical staff refused this Order insisting that they had a primary duty to treat the patient and establish his medical status and could only release him after this.

You must have seen these videos of the altercation and chaos.

I tried to use my diplomatic skills to calm the situation and attempted to negotiate a win-win outcome for the patient,the family, Medlands Hospital and the Police led by Commissioners.

Hon. Mundubile, Hon. Binwell Mpundu and myself wee shuttling among the parties and we tried had to calm a volatile and highly charged atmosphere.

After initial observation, the doctor ordered that CT Scan be done and JayJay be moved to the diagnosis labs on the other side of the hospital.

This immediately became a flash point with the Police Commissioner ordering his team to seize the patient as he left the emergency treatment room on his way to the diagnosis centre.

His orders were clear, seize and and evacuate.

A Maina Soko Medical Centre ambulance had arrived by this time accompanied by their medical team.

After intense negotiations and  shouting matches from all parties, it was agreed that the patient be moved from the Emergency Treatment Room to the Scan room.

At this stage, the patient was complaining of a lot of pain underneath his feet, under his armpits, around both sections of the ribs and his tongue had a cut and was swollen.

When he was taken to the Scan Room, the Police Commissioner informed us that his instructions were now very clear and this was now a matter for no further negotiations. 

He ordered the removal of JayJay Banda from the CT scan room to the waiting ambulances outside.

Mundubile and I moved over to try to negotiate this seemingly impossible development.

Police Commissioner said he had his orders and he was no longer in the mood to discuss this matter any further.

"No medical tests will be done  here" he flatly informed us.

Another heightened altercation emerged with JayJay's sisters guarding the door and refusing to budge.

Police Commissioner advised that at this stage, authorities needed their medical personnel from Maina Soko Medical Centre to be involved and be present with the patient.

This was easy to negotiate and the paramedic from Maina Soko Medical Centre was allowed to be in the Scan room.

Shortly after, things got extremely volatile when a team from the C5 ( Anti robbery Unit) and State House security detail arrived.

The squad leader just ordered that the "asset" be removed from the premises without fail.

It became riotous and brutal as the officers lifted the girls manning the door, pushed them out of the way and threatened the Hospital Nursing Director with immediate arrest and her please that "this is my patient being treated under my hospital" were totally ignored.

I saw the white lady's face go red and with resignation called out; "Open the door".

The door swung open and the Police officers rushed in and surrounded the bed.

They began to push it outside despite the pleas from the patient and all of us.

The scene was extremely violent and ugly to witness and the authorities.

A stand-off at the ambulance ensued and protesting family members were beaten, removed and Hon. Munir Zulu lifted out to a waiting car.

I saw phones being grabbed from whoever was capturing the ugly scene.

I just saw 3 officers surround me and forcibly begin to get my phones.

I didn't resist. I gave them.

I didn't even know the names of the officers who had taken my phones.

It was now


05:30hrs,JayJay was taken to Maina Soko Medical Centre.

This the second time that the Police had taken my phones. They still haven't returned my phones they took in June 2023!

Is it a crime to film a crime?

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