400 concrete bins to be placed in Lusaka’s CBD!

Lusaka City Council in partnership with Ross Lands and Green Zed has started the placement of 400 concrete bins to enhance the cleanliness of the Central Business District (CBD).  

The bins will be placed along Freedom Way, Lumumba and Cairo roads to help abate the nuisance of littering and indiscriminate disposal of waste observed in these areas.

The concrete bins were arrived at to avoid vandalism that was observed with regards to the mental and plastic bins that were mounted in 2021.

The two partners will construct, mount and empty the bins on a daily basis. Other partner companies have also come on board to help with the landscaping and collection of waste along Cairo road.

Businesses around the CBD should not use the concrete bins for waste disposal but should subscribe to having their waste collected by franchise companies. Failing to subscribe for waste collection goes against the Solid Waste Management Act No 20 of 2018. This act mandates waste generators to subscribe to waste management services.  

Members of the public are advised to make use of the facilities in place to help in keeping the CBD clean and healthy for everyone.  



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