The Rural Electrification Authority-Rea- and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees-UNHCR- have begun electrifying the Meheba Refugee Settlement in Kalumbila district at a cost of K16 million, benefiting around 40,500 people in the area.

Speaking at the site handover ceremony for the Maheba Grid Extension Project today, REA Vice Board Chairperson Mazuba Mwambazi said the authority will build 10.4 kilometers of 33 kilovolt high-tension line and 10.9 kilometers of 0.4 kilovolt low-tension line at a cost of K9.7 million.
Ms Mwambazi said UNHCR will also build 17.8 kilometers of 33 Kilovolt high tension line at a cost of K6.3 million, marking a significant milestone in governments' shared vision of bringing electricity to settlements and fostering transformative economic development in Zambia’s rural communities.
Meanwhile, UNHCR Zambia Country Representative Preeta Law said the grid extension project will promote quality education, better health care, and a higher standard of living for refugees, allowing for effective contribution to Zambia’s economy.
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